What attracted you to Ovako?
I come from a background in the construction and civil engineering sector, and I had been following the transition efforts within the steel industry to cut greenhouse gas emissions for quite some time. I saw Ovako as a forward-thinking and well-positioned company that genuinely "walks the talk," especially with the hydrogen project in Hofors, which I found very inspiring. I was also curious about Ovako's manufacturing processes and products, as well as the demands and needs within Ovako’s customer segments. Early on, I also noticed the friendly and welcoming culture, which definitely attracted me to Ovako.
What does a typical workday look like for you?
My job primarily involves managing Ovako’s climate agenda and developing the commercial efforts around climate and sustainability. A typical day might involve engaging with customers about how we can collaborate to reduce emissions in the value chain. It could also involve delving into new regulations and understanding how they affect us, following up on our emissions and future plans, or assisting with how we communicate on these issues.

What’s the most fun part of your job?
The climate field is deeply integrated within Ovako, spanning many different disciplines—from customer, market, and financing matters to product and technology development, reporting, and policy monitoring. This means that many people are involved in advancing our climate efforts, and being a unifying force in that work is incredibly enriching and rewarding. I would say the most enjoyable part is the variety the job offers, the sense of drive within the organization, and working together to make progress.
What do you do when you’re not working at Ovako?
When I’m not working, I prefer spending time in the countryside with my family, pottering around outdoors, either in the garden or with some new project where I’m honing my woodworking skills. Otherwise I enjoy dinner hangouts or board game nights with good friends.