
Our comprehensive certifications include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001,IATF 16949. With restrictions on international travel during the pandemic, we introduced a new digital approach to quality management certification. When delivered in person, the certification process covers an inspection of our production line, followed by an in-depth meeting to review process steps and technical documentation. This requires a full day for each mill. Our new digital audit process replicates this with live video calls to inspect the production site and web conferencing to discuss the documentation. The digital approach has enabled us to achieve quality certifications and continue uninterrupted delivery to our customers without them having to face potential health risks of travel and the time commitment of quarantine.


Ovako certificates
Ovako certificates

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

Our EPDs cover the full environmental impact of hot-rolled steel bar from our Hofors, Imatra, and Smedjebacken and Boxholm mills. They are based on life cycle analysis of our products from cradle to gate. They take account of all the recycled scrap and alloying elements, transport, energy and waste products, as well as the environmental footprint of incoming goods and services and the full yield loss in production.

Ovako also publishes climate declarations, outlining the carbon footprint of our products from cradle to gate. We adhere to the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) system, and our latest declarations can be found on our website and at These declarations confirm that the CO2 footprint of our bar steel products is approximately 80 % lower than the global industry average. Climate declarations help customers select steel on the basis of carbon footprint. In turn, they enable customers with steel-intensive products to create world-leading carbon footprints of their own.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Our Carbon Footprint Calculator provides accurate data for customers to compare products and precisely establish the carbon footprint for their own products. It takes account of the data in the EPDs as well as the energy required for further processing, and the impact of the specific alloying variant. Our expert team can help customers access and use this tool.

Testing Capabilities

Our wide range of inhouse testing capabilities enables customers to set their own exacting demands on steel quality, often beyond industry standards. One example is ultrasonic testing of intermediate product forms to ensure high steel cleanness. Ovako even has published its own standard for ensuring highest possible steel cleanness and therefore providing exceptional fatigue strength.

Our comprehensive certifications and testing capabilities include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, IATF 16949.


Steel Navigator - Find the right steel for your application

Steel Navigator contains a selection of useful tools such as Material Data Sheets, Machining Calculator, Heat Treatment Guide, Piston Rod Predictor and more.

Discover Steel Navigator

Steel Navigator - Find the right steel for your application